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Initiatives and Goals

Merced Foundation was established with the intent to help people through transitional periods. The goal of the foundation is to add support during times of need and help people progress to a more positive place in their future.


While this encompasses many different areas of support previous funding awards include: further training or education to move into a new career or establish themselves after incarceration, support during times of sickness where families need additional help to care for each other and their loved ones, food banks and disaster relief for people needing to access the basic needs. 


The foundation does not have specific limitations to who or what transitional people or groups they support but have previously focused on areas which include:​


1. Education 

3. Counselling and legal support

4. Medical and aftercare

6. Basic necessities


We are passionate about supporting people and projects that make a difference during a time of need, helping people to move on to their next chapter in life and hopefully creating opportunities for a better life for themselves and their families. 


If you are interested in receiving funding from Merced Foundation please read more about our application criteria.



Bo's Place

Merced Foundation donated to Bo’s Place, who offer grief support, delivering a variety of grief support programs in English and Spanish for children, families and adults who have experienced the death of a loved one.

National Diaper Bank Network

Merced Foundation supported the NDBN to help provide diapers during disaster relief as well as to families who need diapers to allow children to go to day care.

Prison Entrepreneurship Program

Merced Foundation supported the Prison Entrepreneurship Program which helps facilitate education and trying for people in incarceration who are transitioning to the work force.

Mainstream Connection 2016

Merced Foundation helped fund a new food distribution centre for Mainstream Connection.

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas

Merced Foundation supported Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas who offer housing and support to families with sick children in central Texas.

Catholic Chairitiies of Texas

Merced Foundation supported Catholic Charities to facilitate legal support and guidance to immigrants at the border in Texas

Caritas of Austin

Merced Foundation gave funding to Caritas of Austin who works with homelessness and immigrants in Austin, Texas.

Bo's Place

Merced Foundation donated to Bo’s Place, who offer grief support, delivering a variety of grief support programs in English and Spanish for children, families and adults who have experienced the death of a loved one.

Ronald McDonal Charities Central Texas

Merced Foundation supported Ronald McDonald Chairity of Central Texas who offer housing and support to families with sick children in central Texas.

Prison Entrepreneurship Program

Merced Foundation supported the PEP which helps facilitate education and trying for people in incarceration who are transitioning to the work force.


Stay in Touch

If you are interested in staying up to date with news from the Merced Foundation subscribe to our email list. We will keep you informed on the latest happenings including the latest work from our grant recipients. 

Thanks for submitting, look forward to our updates soon!

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